CCC To Host 真实黑人历史博物馆


真正的黑人博物馆, a traveling display that teaches African-American history through the use of rare and authentic artifacts, will make a stop at all three 中央社区学院 campuses in Columbus, 格兰德岛和黑斯廷斯.

“A Tribute to the African-American Journey,” the museum’s current display, features more than 150 artifacts. Included are original documents from historic figures such as Dr. 马丁·路德·金.布克·T. Washington, Rosa Parks, Barack Obama and many others.

Viewed by more than 50,000 people throughout the U.S., the 真实黑人历史博物馆 is committed to preserving the history of African-Americans. The museum also aims to teach others about the many great contributions African-Americans have made throughout history.

真正的黑人博物馆 will be open at the 哥伦布校园 from 11 a.m. 直到下午6点.m. on Tuesday, 3月 10; at the 大岛校园 from noon 直到下午6点.m. on Wednesday, 3月 11; and at the 黑斯廷斯校园 from noon 直到下午6点.m. 3月12日星期四.

The exhibit is free and open to the public.